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Selected Cloud Power Solution
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Server Rack Power

The size, density and the sheer number of data centers are rapidly growing, which is driving an increasing need for efficiency. The largest operational cost for data centers is electricity. Improving the power conversion efficiency at every stage in the power distribution architecture is a critical factor to reduce cost. Emerging applications, such as artificial intelligence, machine-to-machine connectivity, and cloud computing, are driving the need for higher rack power density, in addition to the challenge of adapting to a 48 V backplane. To address the emerging challenges of servers in the datacenter, ON Semiconductor offers a broad portfolio of power supply solutions to quickly design a rack server system with high power density and high energy efficiency.
Cloud Server
ON Semiconductor’s solutions for AC-DC conversion, multiphase conversion, point-of-load supplies, and hot swap protection support the full power range and various functions needed to power cloud infrastructure. Whether in base stations, enterprise servers or data centers, ON Semiconductor has the technology, reliability, and application knowledge to power data in the modern world.
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